A Welcome Message from our Chairman – Professor Romesh Gupta OBE
A very warm welcome to our website from all here at the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing (NFHW).
We are a registered charity that aims to promote health and wellbeing within communities by engaging and empowering people to make decisions about their own health. We provide information, education, as well as signpost visitors to various services available to them through the NHS, social services, NGOs and other voluntary and statutory organisations. We believe in developing partnership, working together and adapting holistic approach to deliver culturally sensitive care within the community.
Many non-traditional (also called alternative) therapies have been shown to benefit individuals with chronic health issues. We feel these therapies – such as Yoga, Reiki, meditation, acupuncture – should be given appropriate consideration and made available to the community along with conventional and traditional healthcare. We also recognise that environmental pollution impacts on health and hence NFHW supports sustainability within the NHS and all healthcare settings.
To achieve our aims, we work with local communities, educational institutions, NHS, local councils and voluntary organisations.
We hold regular free events including health melas (health fairs), health screening, diagnostic tests (health MOTs) and public engagement seminars. Health MOTs help early detection of potentially life threatening health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, and obesity to name only some of them. Through public engagement seminars, experts from various fields share their expertise with the local community, showcase their services and gather feedback from service users.
In addition, Health Melas also provide a platform for the health students to learn and practise their professional skills under supervision. These events also offer excellent opportunities for volunteering. The melas have been visited by several local and national civic dignitaries and leaders in the health and care sectors. All have unanimously praised the concept and their testimonials are available through ‘testimonials’ tab at the top of the webpage.
Lord Darzi, in his recent letter to the Secretary of Health, as a preamble to his report ‘Independent Investigation of the NHS in England’ wrote ‘simplify and innovate care delivery for a neighbourhood NHS’. We believe our approach has been in alignment with it. Our activities such as health melas, public seminars and other activities demonstrate that our approach to public health is good news for our severely stretched NHS, showing how to gradually re-orientate the service to increase its activity in health promotion and disease prevention by engaging and working with local communities and other interested groups.
Details of our forthcoming activities can be found in the ‘Next Events’ section of the website.
In 2014, NFHW was the winner of E3 Enterprise Award whereas in 2019, NFHW reached final and was runners up in the ‘Community Group of the Year’ award category.
Please take time to discover the increasingly wide range of original material supporting good practice in community health promotion available on this site, which we continue to add to on a regular basis.
In 2021 we celebrated 20 Years of our success; more details can be found in a brochure covering our activities which you can read here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6kkt8stsh8zkw63jxot6s/NFHW-20-anniversary-spreads.pdf?rlkey=9fvc9knjjs5fp6okawenfonrj&e=1&dl=0 .
We have published our results in peer reviewed medical journals as well as presenting at several national and international conferences. NFHW Health Mela was one of the case studies of NHS Toolkit ‘Maximising Population and Prevention in Curricula’. The Toolkit can be accessed by registering at https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/maximising-population-health-and-prevention-in-curricula/
We will continue to develop our existing programmes, so be on the lookout for news and new opportunities.
If you would like to take part, have any ideas about partnership working towards health improvements, help with a potential health improvement project, or simply would like to volunteer we would love to hear from you.
Please contact Mr Ravin Shah, Trustee and events coordinator <ravin.shah@nfhw.org.uk>
Do visit us again soon.
Professor Romesh Gupta OBE
Formed in 2001 as the Lancashire Gujarat Health Users’ Forum, the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing is a registered charity that specialises in helping local communities to take greater responsibility for protecting and managing their own health.
“The Health Mela is an example of good practice to health professionals across the UK. It’s an example of how to work with community leaders to engage with ethnic minority groups who traditionally don’t access NHS services because of fear or apprehension. I was delighted to open the event, which is a great way to encourage people from minority ethnic communities to meet health experts and get informal and friendly advice.”
“This is a unique experience. I have not experienced anything of its kind and on this scale in my life. I
am pleasantly surprised and impressed to see people from various generations and backgrounds coming to the Mela and taking full advantage of the various health advice and health checks available.”
“The Health Mela is a shining example of good practice to health professionals across the U.K. of how to work with community leaders to engage with ethnic minority groups. The importance of encouraging greater health awareness cannot be underestimated, particularly among communities, which traditionally have been reluctant to access health services because of their fear or apprehension. It also serves as a showcase for Asian lifestyle and culture to boost community links.”
“The energy and commitment of everyone involved in the Mela was plain to see. I was particularly pleased to have the chance to talk to the Manchester medical students about the health checks they were doing (under appropriate supervision!) and they were hugely impressive. Raising awareness about how we can take control of our health and well being is a really important issue in the UK today – the Mela manages to do this, while being fun and relaxed too.”