15th Annual Preston Health Mela (Community Health Fair) will take place on Saturday, 16th April 2016.
The event will be held In the Foster Building, University of Central Lancashire.
off Corporation Street in Preston between 11.00 am – 4.00 pm.
Arrangements are well underway for the annual Preston Health Mela (Community Health Fair) organised by the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing (NFHW) in partnership with the University of Central Lancashire and supported by the Rotary Clubs of Preston. The National Forum for Health and Wellbeing is is recepient of the prestigious E3 Social Enterprise Award.
This landmark event celebrates 15 successful years of activity in support of the health and wellbeing of the people of Preston and surrounding districts. The Mela opens to the public at 11.00 am. and the opening ceremony will be performed by Sir Peter Dixon, Chair of Diabetes UK.
From the event’s inception in 2002, the organisers have recognised the importance of community involvement in the identification and prevention of diabetes so Sir Peter’s presence this year is particularly appropriate. It marks the continuing efforts we are making to generate and maintain community awareness of this significant issue.
The Health Mela is a unique opportunity for families to get up to speed with a wide range of health-related topics. Visitors will find a store of information, entertainment, activities, competitions, health checks and advice on offer. There will be something to appeal to all ages and what’s more – it’s all free – even down to the use of the University car parks!
Visitors to the University’s Foster Building on April 16th will discover over sixty stalls representing a comprehensive range of NHS, Local Government and Voluntary organisations, all packed with information and advice on how to keep healthy or to deal with existing health issues.
Amongst the other attractions on offer will be:
A smoothie bike on which visitors can create their own healthy fruit drinks.
Dance displays
First-aid injury makeover demonstrations
Children’s competitions
A ‘Teddy Bears’ Clinic offering the chance for children to have their favourite friend checked out.
Displays and taster sessions introducing complementary medicine; Reiki, Head Massage etc
A rolling show-case of short films dealing with a wide range of mental health topics
An opportunity to meet and talk with the Governors of Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
A comprehensive range of health checks tailored to all ages – the ‘Health MOT’
The Health MOT is a very popular feature of the Health Mela. It offers all visitors the opportunity to take a range of personal health checks which can include; height and weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, eye-sight, hearing and oral health. The checks, by health professionals, take place in an informal friendly atmosphere and include personally tailored expert life-style counselling.
The Mela day starts at 9.30 am with a Breakfast Meeting for invited guests on the theme, ‘Facing the rising challenge of diabetes mellitus’.
Interested in taking a stall at the Health Mela?
Although bookings for space at this event are already close to capacity, any organisation wishing to take part should contact Ravi Shah ravi.shah@nfhw.org.uk without delay.
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