Chorley’s Health and Wellbeing takes centre stage as the Health Mela comes to the town.

Make a note in your diary for Saturday, 23rd September.

This is when the Chorley Health Mela – a family friendly festival of health-related ideas, activities, information and fun, together with a comprehensive range of free health checks for everyone, takes place in the All Seasons Leisure Centre, Ringway (Water Street), PR7 1EX.

Chorley Mela Poster

Open to the public between 11.00 am and 4.00 pm. Entrance, parking and the ‘Health MOT’ are all completely free!

The event is being organised by the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing who are supported by the new Chorley Health and Wellbeing Service – a Chorley Council and Lancashire Care Foundation Trust Initiative.

The mela is also supported by  Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust which means that this event will bring together a ‘treasure chest’ of resources to help visitors of all ages, from all the communities in Chorley,  to make the right choices  to promote and maintain their own and family health and wellbeing.

Based on the model of the South Asian Mela, this vibrant fair includes something for everyone. Amongst the many attractions, visitors will be able to:

  • Check out stalls covering a huge range of health and fitness related topics, all with friendly experts on hand to answer any questions.
  • Try out complementary therapies for example Reiki.
  • Make a refreshing drink on the ‘Smoothie’ bike.
  • Undertake a comprehensive ‘Health MOT’ with personal counselling under the supervision of health professionals.
  • Take the opportunity to have a guided tour of the All Seasons Leisure Centre and the wonderful facilities

and much, much more!

Health assessments in progress

Health assessments in progress

The ‘Health MOT’, available to all visitors, is a central attraction of the Health Mela. Carried out in a friendly non- threatening atmosphere without the need for an appointment, it provides a screening service for the early detection of high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes etc., offering reassurance and sign-posting to medical intervention when appropriate.

The Health Mela day starts at 9.30 am with a breakfast meeting for invited guests on the theme ‘Integrating Services – a Challenge for Chorley.’  This is followed by the formal opening ceremony at 11.00 am.

Introducing the theme of this year’s Mela, Professor Romesh Gupta, OBE, Chair of the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing quoted the NHS Five Year Forward View:

“The traditional divide between primary care, community services, and hospitals – largely unaltered since the birth of the NHS – is increasingly a barrier to the personalised and co-ordinated health services patients need.”

going on to say,

“as an organisation, the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing has always recognised the value of an integrated approach to the promotion of community health and wellbeing. Our events exemplify the advantages of bringing together in dialogue and information exchange not only statutory providers but also voluntary bodies and members of the community.”

Councillor Bev Murray, who has responsibility for the integrated community wellbeing service at Chorley Council, said:

“I am delighted to welcome this mela to Chorley and the opportunity it brings for our residents to actively get involved with a range of health and wellbeing practitioners.  There will be lots going on at this event including free health checks and information as well as advice on all aspects of keeping healthy.  I would encourage everyone to come and see what it’s all about and find out about the local opportunities that are available to improve your health and wellbeing.”

Councillor Hasina Khan, Leader member for health and wellbeing on Chorley Council, commented:

 “It’s more important than ever that people take their own responsibility for their health and this is an event that will educate people on how to lead a healthier lifestyle in a fun and enjoyable environment.

Sometimes we don’t realise the breadth of help and advice available and this is a chance for people to find out about the services provided right across the board.

We’d encourage everyone to come and stop by – we all want to feel healthier and happier – so it will be well worth a visit.”

Professor Heather Tierney-Moore, Chief Executive of Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, added:

 “We are delighted to continue to support such a worthy event as the Health Mela. These melas are fantastic opportunities to raise awareness of a variety of health issues and provide a great chance for people from Chorley and the surrounding areas to speak to a variety of services about how they can improve their own health and wellbeing”

Photos showing typical Mela scenes can be found on the following Dropbox link.

They are copyright free when used to promote the work of NFHW



Organisations wishing to explore the possibility of o providing a stall or other exhibit at this event should contact Ravi Shah, NFHW Events Organiser, without delay.

 If you need any further information about the Chorley Health Mela please contact:  or