Glenis reveives award

Glenis reveives award

We are delighted that a member of NFHW committee, Glenis Tansey,  Engagement and Patient Experience Lead for our two local clinical commissioning groups, has won a prestigious regional award.

Glenis from NHS Chorley and South Ribble CCG and NHS Greater Preston CCG won the NHS Patient Champion of the Year Award at the NHS North West Leadership Academy. Leadership Recognition Awards ceremony, held in Liverpool, and hosted by England Rugby professional and Strictly Come Dancing star, Ben Cohen.

These awards celebrate leaders at all levels and across all professions who have ultimately improved

people’s health, the public’s experience of the NHS and those leaders who we are truly proud to work alongside.

Glenis is now a finalist for the national awards, to be held in February.

Glenis is passionate, caring and tenacious, and will always fight to ensure patients are central to everything the CCGs do.  Her driving motivation is to be out and about, talking to patients face-to-face, about what we can do to help make their lives just a bit better.

As Charley Wilkinson, Head of Services at Galloway’s Society for the Blind says: “Glenis has been pivotal in helping us to raise awareness of the needs of visually impaired people and constantly involves us as an organisation and our clients alike to ensure their views are taken into account.”

And she has clearly made a measured difference to local people, as Pauline Ormerod, Co-chair of the Patient Advisory Group, says: “…nothing is too much trouble for Glenis. I have always found her ready to listen and take on-board the views of patients and patient representatives and to go ‘the extra mile’ to promote their involvement in the work of the CCG.”

Jan Ledward, Chief Officer, said: “We at Chorley and South Ribble CCG and Greater Preston CCG are all very proud of Glenis.  She is an exemplary member of the team, and thoroughly deserves to be recognised in this way.”

Fellow members of the NFHW Committee warmly congratulate Glenis on her achievement and look forward to working with her to continue building on and strengthening our relationship with the CCGs.