More than 400 visitors of all ages took advantage of the many opportunities on offer to find out about healthy life styles when they visited the third annual Leyland Health Mela in the Civic Hall on Saturday. They visited more than forty stalls with information on health related issues ranging from the Ambulance Service to Reiki and enjoyed refreshments and entertainment.
- Guests at Leyland 2014.
- The 2014 Leyland Health Mela was ably assisted by young volunteers from Academy@Worden.
- Guests took advantage of free health checks.
- Dancing was one of the day’s entertainments.
The Mela took the theme, ‘The challenge of an ageing population’, emphasising the importance of a seamless approach involving contributions from all sections of the community to meet it. This comprehensive approach was well illustrated by the presence of a band of enthusiastic volunteers from Academy@Worden, UCLAN, the University of Manchester Medical School and the Pathology Department at Royal Preston Hospital. Together they helped to provide health checks, guide visitors around the exhibition, serve refreshments, and supervise the bouncy castle. The medical students, under supervision, provided counselling for those who took the opportunity to have a quick health MOT. This display of youthful energy and enthusiasm devoted to the promotion of community wellbeing is a very good example of what the Health Mela is all about.
Nearly 100 visitors took the comprehensive Health MOT in relaxed surroundings. 38 individuals with raised Body Mass Index measurements received advice on healthy diet. 7 cases of raised blood pressure and 23 of raised cholesterol were identified and 7 individuals were found to be high on both. 3 individuals were found to have high blood glucose levels.
In total, as a result of the MOT, 85 visitors received friendly advice and counselling from health professionals.
A fourth Leyland Health Mela, organised by the Rotary Club of Leyland in collaboration with the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing is planned for 2015. It will take place at Academy@Worden on Saturday, September 12th.
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