NFHW would like to inform all our well-wishers, patrons, partners and readers that we are actively monitoring the current spread of the Covid-19 virus in the UK. We will be working with our partners and supporters and will be guided by  advice from various Government, NHS and other national/local bodies.

We are aware that this unwelcome development may impact on our future activities including the forthcoming Preston Health Mela. A final decision as to whether or not this will take place will be made nearer the time based on the advice of the above bodies and in consultation with our partners.

Courtsey BBC 

In the meantime, we urge everyone to follow the up to date, evidence based, advice offered by reliable sources such as NHS  organisations, the Department of Health and National and Local Government bodies etc.

See for example:

Hand washing technique

It is important to regularly check for the most up to date information as the current situation constantly changes.

Let us all take appropriate steps for the health and wellbeing of ourselves, our family and the community.