Samuel (Sam) Wiltshire has been elected as the new president of the Manchester Medical School’s Health Olympics Society (HOS) for the academic year 2019/20.
Health Olympics Society was set up by the students of the Manchester Medical School and has been one of the several partners of the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing (NFHW). Volunteers from the HOS have been involved in the health melas besides many other health related projects. They have worked with other healthcare professionals to provide health assessments during health melas. Volunteers have always found the experience very rewarding and acknowledged that volunteering has helped them in their professional career.
Announcing the new appointment, outgoing president Clare Hornby said “It has been a pleasure volunteering with you all this year and I believe we have many successful events. I aim to stay in Preston for Foundation Training and in the North West for the future. With this in mind, I am extremely keen to maintain links with NFHW with a view to volunteering in some capacity with you again in the future.”
Professor Romesh Gupta, OBE and Chair of the NFHW thanked Clare for her support and wished her well in her career. Welcoming Sam, he said “Let me take opportunity to welcome Sam to NFHW family. I can assure you for all the help and support. I am sure you and your team will enjoy volunteering and will gain experience as your predecessors have done over many years.”
Professor Satyan Rajbhandari, consultant physician and one of the NFHW trustee, also thanked Clare and welcomed Sam and offered his help with any medical issues and training issues.
In his message to the NFHW, Sam said “Lovely to meet everyone and thanks for the warm introduction. I’m delighted to be the new President of this Society and greatly look forward to working with you all. Clare has left some big empty shoes that I will work my hardest to fill.”