The second set of research based Masterclass was held on 1 February 2017 at the University of Bolton. The topic was “Mental Health and Dementia”.
Bringing professionals together to tackle key North West health issues is at the centre of the masterclass series being run by the University of Bolton.
The University’s Centre for Health and Wellbeing, within its School of Health and Human Sciences, is leading the project which targets health professionals from all healthcare organisations, as well as community leaders keen to be part of the project.
After Ms Jane Howarth, Head of the School of Health and Human Sciences welcomed the delegates, Dr. Kondal Kandadi, Asst Vice Chancellor (Academic) provided the opening remarks and Professor Romesh Gupta, Director, Centre for Research in Health and Wellbeing provided background as well as future plans.
Dr J S Bamrah spoke about Memory loss –how to prevent dementia where as Dr B D Silvert spoke about Depression and Anxiety. Professor Jerome Carson’s talk was about “Recovery from Mental Health Problems: Lessons for services from clinical and personal recovery literatures.”
This meeting was attended by nearly 60 delegates.
The first series about Diabetes was a great success and was appreciated by all those who attended it.
The event is organised by the Centre for Research in Health & Wellbeing, University of Bolton.
Copies of the presentations can be downloaded below:
2016-12-Depression-and-Anxiety (PDF: 290kb)
Memory-loss -University-of-Bolton (PDF: 780kb)
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