Professor Rob Campbell and Sarifa Kabir, both trustees of NFHW, were interviewed on Preston based ‘That’s Lancashire’ TV channel on Thursday 16 November 2017. Together they explained the work done by NFHW in health promotion – empowering the community to take control of key health issues.

They explained that the Forum had applied for grant from the Aviva community fund to help extend its work throughout the North West. Professor Rob, who put together our bid to Aviva, explained how important it is that supporters and well-wishers register and vote for the NFHW project so that NFHW can extend its ground-breaking programme of Health Melas.

To cast your vote, all you have to do is visit the Aviva website at:

before midday, Tuesday 21st. November and follow the instructions. You will get 10 votes each and we would love if you cast all in favour of NFHW.

The interview can be viewed on youtube at;