This year’s Health Mela (Community Health Fair) will be held on Saturday 18th April 2015 at the Foster Building, University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN), Preston PR1 2HE from 11 am to 4 pm.
This will be the 14th year of the health mela held by the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing, In the past years, this event had been held at the Gujarat Hindu Temple and later Guild Hall.
The event, as usual, is free to attend and will have nearly 70 health related exhibitors. It will provide free and confidential health checks including blood pressure and BMI, blood tests for cholesterol and blood sugar, lifestyle assessment including personal and confidential health counselling, smoothie bike, checks and advice on hearing, eye sight and oral health, Reiki taster session and complimentary medicine, fun and games for children and many more activities.
Health Mela in supported by Rotary, UCLAN, University of Bolton and several other NHS as well as voluntary organisations.
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