Sir Peter Dixon, Chairman of Diabetes UK who opened the 15th Preston Health Mela held at the University of Central Lancashire praised the event organisers for putting up an impressive show. The text of his letter is published below
20th April 2016
“Thank you for inviting me to participate in the Mela. It was a real privilege to be a part of such a vibrant event and to see at first hand what you and your colleagues have created over the years. I can safely say that I have never seen anything like it and the fantastic collaboration between so many organisations with a common interest in healthier lives was impressive, but also thoroughly enjoyable. It was completely different and enormous fun, not something one can often say in the context of health promotion.
“You have certainly found an effective way of getting messages across, bringing services to people who need them and making a real difference to people’s lives, and I wish you all every success for the future. We could do with something like this on a wider scale throughout the country and I hope that others will follow the great example you have in Lancashire.”
Best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Sir Peter Dixon
Chairman, Diabetes UK
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