The National Forum for Health and Wellbeing (NFHW)’s Festival of Healthy was held at the Chorley Tatton Community Centre between 11.00 am and 3,00 pm on Saturday, 28th September 2019.
Torrential rain proved no deterrent to visitors who arrived early at Tatton Community Centre to make the most of the Chorley Festival of Health and Wellbeing. This was the third event organised in Chorley by the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing (NFHW) with the encouragement and strong support of Chorley Council.
From the moment the event was opened by Cllr. Hasina Khan, Mayor of Chorley the Centre was busy with visitors eager to make the most of the opportunities on offer.
The organisers aimed to provide information, advice and health checks for the local community using the professional skills and expertise provided by volunteers including staff from local NHS Trusts, Chorley and South Ribble Clinical Commissioning Group and voluntary organisations. The event was also supported by health professionals in training from the Universities of Central Lancashire, Cumbria and Manchester.
Over the course of the day approaching 300 visitors relaxed in the friendly atmosphere as they circulated amongst the displays and shared experiences, concerns and questions with the welcoming stallholders. A proportion chose to end their visit experiencing complete relaxation by participating in a refreshing session of Reiki.
A significant number of visitors chose to have a comprehensive health ‘MOT’. Checks were completed on height, weight, BMI, blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Of the 44 individuals tested, no fewer than 34 (77.3%) were referred for further, potentially life changing, advice.
Reflecting on her visit to the Health Festival, Mayor of Chorley, Cllr Hasina Khan said
‘It was a great pleasure to attend such a very well organised function.
The unity amongst the team was really positive as they all wanted the same outcome for the event; that it should be well attended enabling the community to take advantage of all the facilities on offer. These included health checks and the opportunity to gain vital information and knowledge relating to their current and future good health, and preventative measures they can take to protect it.
The stalls were full of information and friendly health professionals were on hand for the blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose tests if attendees wished to have them.
The event was held in Chorley East. This area is one of the top on the agenda for Chorley Council to target health inequalities so it was really good to see so many local community members attend.’
Professor Romesh Gupta, CBE Chair of NFHW added
‘Tatton Centre is right in the heart of the local community where support for individual and family health and wellbeing is likely to be most effective. Today’s experiences confirm that an event like this is an ideal way to provide such support.
I am delighted by its success.’
Dr Francis Andrews, Medical Director/Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust observed ”
As the Medical Director for Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, it was a great honour to be invited to the Chorley Mela.
I wanted to support this because I am committed to supporting local people with vital ill health prevention and well-being work, which was the focus of this event. I was really pleased to see the wide range of stalls dealing with everything from the detection of early diabetes to mental health well-being and it was clear to me that members of the public really benefitted from the ready access to such high quality initiatives. What particularly amazed me was the sheer dedication of all those staff from many disciplines who gave up their free time to help make this event such a success. I wish the Mela every success in the future.”
The results of the Health MOT are
Total no = 44
Abnormal = 34 (77.3%)
Raised Cholresterol (> 5 mmol/L) = 21 (47.7%)
Raised Blood Glucose in non-diabetics 9> 7.8 mmol/L) = 5 (11.4%)
Raised BP (> 140/90 mm Hg) = 3 (6.8%)
Raised Cholesterol & Raised Glucose= 1 (2.3%)
Raised Cholesterol & Raised BP = 4 (9%)
One new case of diabetes detected.
In addition, there were 14 people who attended the reiki session. Holistic Group for the first time introduced physiological test so see the effect of BP, Oxygen saturation, pulse and ECG rhythms before and after reiki session.
Here are some of the pictures of the event.
- Tatton Community Centre
- Prof Gupta welcoming the guests
- Mayor Cllr Khan opening the event
- Dr A Gupta leads Dental and oral health team
- Various stalls
- Mayor on the smoothie bike
- Health assessment in progress
- Mayor Khan with Prof Gupta
More photos of the event are available on the following link. They are free from copyright restrictions when used to support the work of NFHW.