NFHW has been promoting heath through its various activities such as Health Mela, Health Seminars, etc. We also are keen to empower the community by providing health related information so that people can take charge of their own health.

On the occasion of International Breastfeeding Week (1 August – 7 August 2020) Indian Academy of Paediatrics, Goa State branch has produced a small informative video on breast feeding – with the theme ‘Breast Feeding – Foundation of Life’.

NFHW is pleased to promote this video as part of our health information and community empowerment policy. This short video deals with practical aspects of benefits of breast feeding and also includes advice to mothers regarding safety of breast milk during Covid-19 pandemic.

NFHW wishes to thank office bearers and members of the Goa State branch of the Indian Academy of Paediatrics for granting us the permission. We also thank Dr Medha Bakhale, Goa for liaising with the IAP Goa branch.

To view the video, follow the link The film is written and directed by Dr. Poonam Sambhaji.