Returning refreshed and energized from its Covid enforced retirement, the annual Preston Health Mela is back in the town. As usual, it will be a pleasure packed occasion focusing on positive ways to ensure health and wellbeing for you, your family and your community.

On Saturday, March 18th  March 2023

at UCLan’s Foster Building, Fylde Road, PR1 2HE

11.00 am – 3.00 pm

Public opening ceremony at 11.00 am by

Chief Guest Sir Mark Hendrick- MP for Preston

So – what can you do on the day?

  • Visit the information and advice packed exhibition.

Come, bring the children and join us at the University of Central Lancashire’s Foster Building between 11.00am and 3.00 pm and you will find a colourful collection of fifty or more stalls with friendly health professionals and volunteers on hand to provide information and advice on a comprehensive range of health issues. All your questions related to health and wellbeing are sure to find an answer here!

  • Relax and enjoy yourself.

The Health Mela’s a place to relax and enjoy yourself so we’ve laid on a host of attractions to keep you entertained. Indian dancers will charm and enchant you, not least with their Bollywood style routines. You can take refreshments while talking to friends old and new. There will be activities to keep the children happily occupied whilst learning the importance of healthy living. For example the Teddy Bears’ _Clinic offers sympathetic health advice to all  cuddly friends so don’t forget to bring them along for a free consultation!

  • Take a Health MOT

Many visitors will use their visit as an opportunity to take a comprehensive Health MOT. Have your height, weight, blood pressure and cholesterol checked and receive friendly personal counselling from health professionals and health professionals in training.

More good news

  • Mela entrance, health checks and advice, and parking on the University car-parks are all free to visitors.

Any questions about the Health Mela?

Please Email Ravindra Shah or Derek Ormerod and we will get back to you by return.

Remember, Saturday March 18th is Preston Health Mela day