Celebrating 14 Years of Better Health
The idea of a community-based event to promote public health [...]
The idea of a community-based event to promote public health [...]
Leyland Health Mela Saturday, 13th September 2014 11.00am to 4pm [...]
Headteacher Chris Catherall welcomes Principal Mohsin Khan to the [...]
A detailed report, providing photos, facts and figures about the [...]
NFH&W Treasurer, Ishwer Tailor MBE, recently raised £550 for charity [...]
Dr Archie Prentice President of the Royal College of Pathologists [...]
Kevin Walsh, District Governor for Rotary International in Cumbria [...]
Did you know that every year around 16,000 cases of [...]
Looking ahead to the Health Melas in Leyland and Fylde, [...]
The chief guest for the 2013 Leyland Health Mela has [...]